Elijah House USA Blog

Training Your Heart to Believe God's Goodness
Training Your Heart to Believe God’s Goodnessby Bill and Sue FrisbieDo you ever question whether or not God is truly good? That’s actually a great question to ask because...
Training Your Heart to Believe God's Goodness
Training Your Heart to Believe God’s Goodnessby Bill and Sue FrisbieDo you ever question whether or not God is truly good? That’s actually a great question to ask because...

How Can I Keep My Heart Soft Toward God?
How Can I Keep My Heart Soft Toward God?by Marjorie DesgrosseilliersIs there an “easy” way to keep your heart soft toward God? All of us know the frantic, pushing...
How Can I Keep My Heart Soft Toward God?
How Can I Keep My Heart Soft Toward God?by Marjorie DesgrosseilliersIs there an “easy” way to keep your heart soft toward God? All of us know the frantic, pushing...

4 Ways to Help Your Burden-Bearing Kids
Children often feel emotions that don’t “belong” to them. This is called burden bearing, and you can bet it’s happening all around the world right now! The emotions of...
4 Ways to Help Your Burden-Bearing Kids
Children often feel emotions that don’t “belong” to them. This is called burden bearing, and you can bet it’s happening all around the world right now! The emotions of...

Life Isn’t as Random as We Suppose
Life Isn’t as Random as We Suppose by Carrie Irving A lot of us don’t realize God is leading us. We think it’s just us—that we’re making these decisions and...
Life Isn’t as Random as We Suppose
Life Isn’t as Random as We Suppose by Carrie Irving A lot of us don’t realize God is leading us. We think it’s just us—that we’re making these decisions and...

Don't Give Up! The World Needs YOU!
Don’t Give Up! Someone Needs Youby Marjorie Desgrosseilliers A few months ago, I watched what I thought was a rather remarkable movie called The Aeronauts. You can find it on...
Don't Give Up! The World Needs YOU!
Don’t Give Up! Someone Needs Youby Marjorie Desgrosseilliers A few months ago, I watched what I thought was a rather remarkable movie called The Aeronauts. You can find it on...