He Brings Good Things Out of Pain

He Brings Good Things Out of Pain

by Michael Desgrosseilliers, Elijah House Prayer Counselor


As believers in Jesus, most of us are familiar with the concept of God working all things out for our good (see Rom. 8:28).

But what does that mean practically? 

Several years ago, my wife and I lost our home to foreclosure. I was trapped in such a state of depression that I couldn’t work, and we consequently lost this thing that was precious to us. As a man and a husband, I knew I failed in providing for my wife.

God, I thought, where are You in this?

I felt like He had completely abandoned us.

But—later on—I realized this loss was actually good for me. In fact, it was one of the best things that could have happened in my life because of what it built in me. Even though it seems like it would have had the opposite effect, it did not. The pain had a reason, and I was better off than I was before. I am still better off. The goodness of that painful situation continues to live and grow in me. I came out of that time being able to trust the Lord more than I could before.

Losing our home gave me a different perspective of God’s provision. He sustains me. He never left my wife and me out on the street homeless, even though we felt that was going to happen. He took care of us the entire way.

In Transforming the Inner Man, John and Paula Sandford wrote, “Nothing in our lives is ever wasted. The prevenient grace of God is so complete that there is no event in our lives without which we would be better off.” 

That is what Romans 8:28 means practically. God always brings about good purposes.

The Lord doesn’t bring trouble and pain on us. It is incorrect to say, “God is doing this to me.” We understand from the book of Job that God wasn’t the force behind the man’s suffering. He wasn’t punishing Job, but He allowed the enemy to do what he did because God wanted Job to grow into the man he was created to be. And that was what happened.

Your dad’s betrayal when you were a kid, your mom’s unjust accusations, the lack of love in your household growing up, all the demonic torment, all the pain and frustration and lies you have experienced—God will take those things and cause them to work out for your good. He can see all of time and already has the whole plan in place.

He truly does cause all things to work out for our good. Goodness is the ultimate result.

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